Please fill in the information below for verification purpose and to change your bill setting:

6. Personal Data Collection Statement

Please view the Personal Data Collection Statement before submitting the form.

7. Billing arrangement confirmation

I request to have postal bill as my official bill, and stop receiving eBill noficiations via email.

(1) The above information is used to verify customer’s identity. If the information entered is inconsistent with the CLP record, we may not be able to process your application.

(2) If the input data can be verified against our record, you would begin to receive postal bills within one month or from the coming bill (whichever is longer). Please note that you may still receive your first bill in eBill notification format. If your input data cannot be verified, we will contact you to complete the application. 

(3) If your application succeeded, the paper bill will be mailed to the customer's contact address or registered address (if customers have not provided the contact address).

(4) We reserve the right to confiscate the distributed Eco Points if existing eBill notification customers applied for a postal bill.