「能源審核表格」 "Energy Audit Form" 

恭喜你已完成「DIY 家居能源審核」!請填妥以下表格,即有機會贏取更多獎賞。
Congratulations! You have completed the "DIY Home Energy Audit". Please submit the e-form below and get a chance to win more rewards.

    圖片範例。Photo for reference.

    The information in the form will be used for CLP's "DIY Home Energy Audit" related activity information (for example: depositing the points you can earn into your Domeo account) and purposes directly related to this activity.

    If participants who meet the eligibility criteria fail to provide a valid CLP residential electricity account number to CLP, CLP will be unable to distribute the earned DOMEO Points to the participants. This form does not affect participants' electricity account information within the CLP system or replace any previous indication made to CLP that it only applies to this activity. The system data will remain unaffected.The text will appear here