Black Point is one of the world’s largest gas-fired combined-cycle power stations. It uses ultra-low-sulphur diesel as a backup fuel source.
At a glance
Generation type
Primary fuel: Natural gas
Backup fuel: Ultra low-sulphur diesel
Natural gas sources
Second West-East Gas Pipeline
Gas fields in the South China Sea
Sourcing liquefied natural gas (LNG) directly from international market and transport it to Hong Kong offshore LNG terminal with LNG carriers
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO)
Equity interest
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited: – 70%
China Southern Power Grid International (HK) Co., Limited: - 30%
Gross capacity
3,850MW (8 units of 337.5MW each; 1 unit of 550MW; 1 unit of 600MW)
CLP equity capacity
Year of commissioning
In phases from 1996 to 2024
Project highlights
Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant, back up oil firing available.
First power station in Hong Kong to use natural gas for power generation.
The use of natural gas reduced total emissions despite an 80% increase in electricity demand.
About the power station
Located in the New Territories, Black Point is one of the world’s largest gas-fired combined-cycle power stations. It uses ultra low-sulphur diesel as a backup fuel source.
We are the first electricity supplier in Hong Kong to use natural gas for power generation. Natural gas helped us to reduce our total emissions when electricity demand on our system increased by 80%.
Emission monitoring
To support the Government’s emissions requirements, we collect and track our power stations’ emissions. We then apply this information into our power plants’ daily operation.
Black Point Power Station is owned by Castle Peak Power Company Limited (CAPCO). CAPCO is a joint venture of CLP power Hong Kong Limited and China Southern Power Grid International (HK) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd (CSG), under a 70/30 partnership.
CLP has been a close business associate of CSG since 2014.
In view of the increasing integration between Hong Kong and Guangdong, we see the strategic partnership with CSG as a natural extension of our past collaboration.
We believe our collaboration with CSG will pave the way for new business opportunities for both parties in the long run.
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