Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30
We use Business Tariffs to calculate your electricity bill. Use our bill calculator to check your bill amount and learn more about our rates.
To check your tariff type or bill details, you can get a copy of your bill or find out how to read your bill.
The tariff information below is effective for consumption on or after 1 Jan 2025. It applies to business customers that do not use electricity for residential purposes only.
The Non-residential Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. It includes the following items:
This is the charge for electricity consumption. The rate is 107.4 cents per unit.
The Fuel Cost Adjustment amount may increase or decrease your bill. It is based on the difference between forecasted fuel prices and actual fuel prices (oil, gas and coal). The Fuel Cost Adjustment is updated every month to reflect the latest fuel price changes.
This rebate decreases your bill. It only applies to bills with a total monthly consumption of 400 units or less. Refer to the table below for the rebate rates:
1 to 200 units
17.2 cents per unit on total consumption
201 to 300 units
16.2 cents per unit on total consumption
301 to 400 units
15.2 cents per unit on total consumption
The minimum charge per bill is HK$40.
You have to settle the minimum charge even there is no electricity consumption recorded on your account.
Tariffs and other conditions may be updated from time to time. Learn more about our latest tariff adjustment.
One kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity.
The period of approximately 1 month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next meter-reading.
If the period between two successive meter-readings is outside the 25 to 35 days range, your energy charge and energy saving rebate will be pro-rated.
Your adjustment will be made as follows:
Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30
N refers to the number of days between two successive meter-readings.
Please refer to our Electricity Tariff Table for 2025 (PDF).
To check your bill details, you can get a copy of your bill or find out how to read your bill.
The tariff information below is effective for consumption on or after 1 Jan 2025. As a business customer, you may apply for Bulk Tariff if you:
The Bulk Tariff is based on monthly meter-readings. It includes the following items:
This charge is based on your monthly maximum demand in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) according to time periods. Demand charges are higher during on-peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 650 kVA
Each kVA over 650 kVA
Each kVA up to on-peak billing demand
Each kVA in excess of on-peak billing demand
The minimum on-peak billing demand is 100kVA.
This is the charge for electricity consumption. The rate varies according to time periods. Energy Charges are higher during on-peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 200,000 units
Each unit over 200,000
Each unit
The fuel cost adjustment amount may increase or decrease your bill. It is based on the difference between forecasted fuel prices and actual fuel prices (oil, gas and coal). The fuel cost adjustment is updated every month to reflect the latest fuel price changes.
To qualify for the High Load Factor Rider (HLFR), your average monthly total consumption per kVA of average monthly “Maximum Billing Demand” in the preceding 12 months must be more than 500 units per kVA.
HLFR lowers the energy charge for each unit over 500 units per kVA of Maximum Billing Demand in the month. The reduction in the energy charge is calculated at the following rate:
Each of the 501 to 600 unit per kVA of Maximum Billing Demand.
Each unit over 600 units per kVA of Maximum Billing Demand.
Tariffs and other conditions may be updated from time to time. Learn more about our latest tariff adjustment.
One kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity.
The period of approximately 1 month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next meter-reading.
Maximum billing demand
The higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month.
Off-peak period
On-peak period
All other hours.
If the period between 2 successive meter-readings is outside the 25 to 35 day range, your Energy Charge will be pro-rated.
Your adjustment will be made as follows:
Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30
N refers to the number of days between two successive meter-readings.
If the billing period is less than 22 days at the beginning or end of supply, your demand charge will be pro-rated.
Your adjustment will be made as follows:
Billed demand charge = Unadjusted demand charge x P / 30
P refers to the number of days in the period billed at the beginning or end of supply.
Please refer to our Electricity Tariff Table for 2025 (PDF).
To check your tariff type or bill details, you can get a copy of your bill or find out how to read your bill.
The tariff information below is effective for consumption on or after 1 Jan 2025. As a business customer, you may apply for Large Power Tariff if your current or expected demand is 3,000 kVA or more.
The Large Power Tariff (LPT) is based on monthly meter-readings. It includes the following items:
This charge is based on your monthly maximum demand in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) according to time periods. Demand Charges are higher during peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 5,000 kVA
Each kVA over 5,000 kVA
Each kVA up to on-peak billing demand
Each kVA in excess of on-peak billing demand
The minimum on-peak billing demand is 50% of the highest on-peak billing demand under LPT during May to Oct of the immediately preceding 12 months.
If your maximum total billing demand is less than 3,000 kVA, you will be charged for a billing demand shortfall. To calculate the shortfall amount, we will take the difference between:
The rate for billing demand shortfall is HK$120.3 per kVA short of 3,000 kVA.
This is the charge for electricity consumption. The rate varies according to time periods. Energy charges are higher during on-peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 200 units per kVA of on-peak billing demand
Each unit in excess of above
Each unit
The fuel cost adjustment amount may increase or decrease your bill. It is based on the difference between forecasted fuel prices and actual fuel prices (oil, gas and coal). The fuel cost adjustment is updated every month to reflect the latest fuel price changes.
To qualify for the High Voltage Super Demand Rider (HVSDR), you must:
If you do not meet the requirements for HVSDR for any billing month, we will charge you according to the LPT rates without HVSDR.
The charges under the HVSDR are based on the following items:
This charge is based on your monthly maximum demand in kilovolt-amperes (kVA) according to time periods. Demand Charges are higher during peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 5,000 kVA
Each kVA over 5,000 kVA
Each kVA up to on-peak billing demand
Each kVA in excess of on-peak billing demand
The minimum on-peak billing demand is 50% of the highest on-peak billing demand under LPT during May to Oct of the immediately preceding 12 months.
This is the charge for electricity consumption. The rate varies according to time periods. Energy charges are higher during on-peak periods than off-peak periods.
Please refer to the table below for more information.
Each of the first 200 units per kVA of on-peak billing demand
Each unit in excess of above
Each unit
The fuel cost adjustment amount may increase or decrease your bill. It is based on the difference between forecasted fuel prices and actual fuel prices (oil, gas and coal). The fuel cost adjustment is updated every month to reflect the latest fuel price changes.
To qualify for the High Load Factor Rider (HLFR), your average monthly total consumption per kVA of average monthly “Maximum Billing Demand” in the preceding 12 months must be more than 500 units per kVA.
HLFR lowers the energy charge for each unit over 500 units per kVA of Maximum Billing Demand in the month. The reduction in the energy charge is calculated at the following rate:
Each of the 501 to 600 unit per kVA of Maximum Billing Demand.
Each unit over 600 units per kVA of Maximum billing demand.
Tariffs and other conditions may be updated from time to time. Learn more about our latest tariff adjustment.
One kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity.
The period of approximately 1 month between a meter-reading (including estimations) and the next meter-reading.
Maximum billing demand
The higher of on-peak billing demand and off-peak billing demand for the month.
Off-peak period
On-peak period
All other hours.
If the period between 2 successive meter-readings is outside the 25 to 35 day range, your Energy Charge will be pro-rated.
Your adjustment will be made as follows:
Applicable block units = Normal block units x N / 30
N refers to the number of days between two successive meter-readings.
If the billing period is less than 22 days at the beginning or end of supply, your demand charge will be pro-rated.
Your adjustment will be made as follows:
Billed demand charge = Unadjusted demand charge x P / 30
P refers to the number of days in the period billed at the beginning or end of supply.
Please refer to our Electricity Tariff Table for 2025 (PDF).