CLP Transforming Towards Sustainable Data Centres Webinar

Identifying Sustainability Trends to Leverage Energy-Saving Technologies

Businesses around the world have been accelerating their digital transformation, underlining the critical role of data centres in today’s digital era. However, data centres’ round-the-clock server operations require continuous cooling, resulting in a higher intensity of energy consumption. At the same time, to support Hong Kong’s plan to become carbon neutral by 2050, data centre operators have been stepping up measures in green energy and energy-saving initiatives. It is clear that the industry must turn to innovative one-stop solutions to keep up with unprecedented data centre demands in a sustainable way.  

CLP hosted the “Transforming Towards Sustainable Data Centres” webinar on 19 May to showcase data centre infrastructure development, low-carbon energy management tools and other end-to-end solutions that can help data centres meet their sustainability commitments while shortening investment payback periods and reducing operating costs. The webinar received an overwhelming positive response, with over 200 industry professionals joining online. 

The webinar invited Guest of Honour Mr. Kingsley Wong, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer (Industry Development), to deliver his keynote about the future of Hong Kong’s data centres and sustainability trends. Equinix, a leading global colocation data centre company, also shared its experience in implementing green data centre initiatives and successfully applying for CLP’s Eco Building Fund

CLP introduced end-to-end power supply procedures and a variety of sustainable tools and services. CLPe Solutions specialists delivered a speech titled “A New Era in Sustainable Cooling Management”, touching on topics including data centre smart solutions, the latest cooling technologies, and temperature and humidity management. 

The webinar offered insights into the future development of data centres and emphasised how CLP’s tailor-made one-stop solutions – spanning site selection, design and build, energy supply and energy efficiency – can help the data centre industry implement low-carbon smart operations and advance towards a sustainable future. 


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