CLP Retro-commissioning Charter Programme 

Advanced training in high-efficiency, low-cost energy solutions 

To help businesses save energy and reduce carbon emissions, CLP first launched the Retro-commissioning (RCx) Charter Programme last year for business customers, offering professional training courses to deepen their understanding of RCx. RCx is a cost-effective energy management solution that allows businesses to improve energy efficiency of buildings without the need for expensive equipment replacement, resulting in lower carbon emissions in the long run. 

Since its launch, the well-received programme has encouraged more than 300 energy management participants from nearly 100 businesses and organisations to carry out RCx works in their buildings. The programme has yielded many success cases such as Cathay Pacific Catering Services (HK) Limited (CPCS), which carried out RCx works for the chillers in its Phase 1 production facility at Hong Kong International Airport. With in-depth analysis of chiller performance, CPCS optimised the system settings, including chilled water temperatures and operational sequences, according to actual operational needs. The works have enabled CPCS to save around 1.13 GWh of electricity a year and reduce carbon emissions by around 441 tonnes.


Due to popular demand, CLP is introducing a new series of RCx advanced training courses for energy management personnel with basic RCx knowledge to further strengthen their knowledge. The Advanced Training Course spans two days of in-depth instruction along with an on-site evaluation. Participants who successfully complete the training course and pass an assessment will be qualified as RCx Professionals. These initiatives provide supports to businesses to implement the right RCx solutions for their buildings and meet energy-saving targets. Furthermore, eligible RCx projects can be subsidised up to 100% by the Eco Building Fund, shortening the payback period and allowing businesses to achieve low-carbon transformation.

CLP hopes to help more business customers transform their properties with RCx solutions and decarbonise in a cost-effective way. Together, we can accomplish Hong Kong’s goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.

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