Devising an Energy-Saving Programme for a Low-Carbon Campus
To support Hong Kong’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality, CLP and The Vocational Training Council (VTC), both Carbon Neutrality partners, signed a memorandum of understanding on 2 June 2022 and rolled out their first joint sustainability programme, marking a significant milestone in their ongoing collaboration.
The initiative is expected to recruit VTC students in Engineering Discipline and Health and Life Sciences Discipline. Under the guidance of CLP’s energy specialists, on-site energy audits will be conducted on campus, where students will apply their knowledge of energy management to identify energy-saving opportunities and propose feasible solutions in order to help the school reduce energy and operating costs as well as its carbon footprint.
From June to September, energy audits will be conducted across 17 VTC premises. Combining both theory and practice, the programme allows VTC students to acquire relevant knowledge through group classes and site visit. The students need to submit an energy-saving proposal to CLP’s energy specialists within one month following the site visit.
Ir Dr Eric Liu Sai-Lok, VTC Deputy Executive Director, remarked: “To build a smart and green campus, VTC has implemented a series of initiatives, including solar panel installation, energy-efficiency upgrades for facilities, green procurement, and plastic waste-reduction programmes that encourage students and teachers to go green. And by allowing students to participate in carbon-reduction programmes at scale, this partnership with CLP also helps to broaden their horizons. It is a collaboration that yields multiple benefits.”
Ir Dr Anthony Lo, CLP Director of Customer Success and Sales, said: “CLP will continue to work closely with VTC to promote energy savings and carbon reduction. By adopting energy-saving measures and promoting decarbonisation, we can all contribute to the city’s efforts in achieving carbon neutrality.”
In support of VTC’s energy-saving initiatives, CLP is also providing a series of subsidies from the Eco Building FundandElectrical Equipment Upgrade Scheme, among others,to help the institution shorten investment payback periods and reduce costs in the long run. CLP isstriving to roll out similar measures across other tertiary institutions, reinforcing Hong Kong’s mission to become carbon neutral by 2050.
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