Mobilising all sectors towards carbon reduction through innovative solutions
The fifth CLP Smart Energy Award ceremony was successfully held on 26 October 2022. Themed “#Energise Together”, the award aimed at encouraging organisations and SMEs to leverage innovative technologies towards low-carbon transformation for reduced carbon emissions, improved energy efficiency, lowered costs and mutually beneficial synergies.
Watch ceremony highlights:
Around 600 entries from CLP’s business customers, including government departments, business organisations, SMEs, NGOs and schools, were received across the various award categories in a collective show of support for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Judges selected a total of 63 winners for their impressive energy saving performances.
Among the winners was The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. (1933) Ltd. (“KMB”), which won the Carbon Management Grand Award for adopting innovative technologies and energy-saving initiatives towards greener transportation. This year, KMB introduced a fleet of new-generation single-deck electric buses, and installed solar panels on the roofs of its double-deckers, which provide power for ventilation and air conditioning systems when the bus engines are turned off. The company plans to complete the installation of 30,000 solar panels across its facilities by 2023, reducing estimated carbon emissions by more than 4,800 tonnes a year.
#HAP Taiwanese Hotpot, a restaurant under LH Group, won the Innovation Excellence Award for introducing an Internet of Things-based intelligent control hot pot induction cooker system, which collects cooker data through the Wi-Fi network to monitor and analyse energy consumption in optimising operational and energy efficiency. Combined with its use of heat recovery dish washers in the kitchen, the restaurant manages to save over 39,000 kWh of electricity a year.
Moving forward, CLP will actively promote greener businesses by supporting its business customers in their low-carbon transformations with innovative applications of technology and various energy saving measures. Let’s energise together for a low carbon future!
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