Dear Customer,

The 5th wave of COVID-19 continues to impose innumerable hardships on businesses. We believe in riding out the tough times together, which is why we launched a series of initiatives to support our business customers, providing assistance to those in need during these challenging times.

Helping Hong Kong and our customers weather the pandemic together

In January, we rolled out our HK$80 million CLP Retail and Catering Coupons Programme once again, distributing coupons worth a total of HK$100 to nearly 800,000 eligible households. This programme aims to support the underprivileged while increasing consumer spending and boosting cashflow for SMEs. Participating merchants include 2,800 retailers and restaurants this year, the majority of which are SMEs.

Earlier this month, we also brought back the SME Electricity Bill Payment Deferral Scheme, giving our catering and retail customers the flexibility to defer payments for two months, taking pressure off tight operating costs. We have also sponsored disinfectant sprays and hand sanitisers to the Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong, supporting over 400 members of private elderly care homes in the fight against the virus.

Energy-saving schemes to support commercial and industrial sectors

The ongoing pandemic has left no sector untouched, making it difficult for businesses to channel precious resources into energy conservation. To address these challenges, we launched our Retro-Commissioning Charter Programme last year, offering around 100 participating organisations professional trainings on conserving energy that encourage them to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Our Retro-Commissioning Charter Programme will continue stepping up this year, setting our customers on the path of low-carbon transformation.

Faced with mounting challenges in the business environment, businesses have been managing operating costs with caution. CLP devised various schemes to provide our business customers with timely energy-saving solutions, including Energy Audit Service, Eco Building Fund and Electrical Equipment Upgrade Scheme. These help in reducing the cost of energy improvement works as well as enhancing energy efficiency and reducing operating costs in the long run.

Mitigating climate change and accelerating carbon reduction

Although coping with the pandemic is a top priority, the climate crisis and its profound impact cannot be forgotten. To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 within the new normal, CLP will continue to diversify our energy conservation portfolio, embrace innovative solutions and support local renewable energy development in Hong Kong.

As we look to the future, we remain firm in our commitment to our customers’ long-term sustainable growth. We will continue supporting local industries, propelling businesses forward by exploring innovative energy conservation, low-carbon solutions, digital transformation and business support programmes to help businesses recover from the pandemic. We believe we can overcome the challenges ahead and fight the virus to emerge with victory together.


Lena Low

Senior Director - Customer and Business Development

CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

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