1. The beneficiary of all categories must be a Hong Kong resident^ for not less than one year; residing within the CLP Power supply area; and fulfilled the eligibility for one of the following categories:
The above three categories are applicable to residential electricity customers only
^ The definition of Hong Kong resident:
(i) being a Hong Kong permanent resident holding a valid Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card ("HKPIC")
(ii) being a Hong Kong resident holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card ("HKIC") which has the Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macao (commonly known as "One Way Permit")
(iii) subject to Note (ii), persons though being a Hong Kong resident holding a valid HKIC or EC issued by the Commissioner of Registration under Cap.177A (where applicable) or holding recognizance forms issued by the Immigration Department under Cap.115 are not eligible subsidy programme.
* According to the "Thematic Report of 2016 Population By-census: Persons Living in Subdivided Units” and “2021 Population Census Technical Report”, Subdivided units (SDUs) are formed by splitting a unit of quarters into two or more “internally connected” and “externally accessible” units. Under this programme, apart from the residents of sub-divided flats, the beneficiaries also include residents living in cubicles, bedspaces/courts, rooftop buildings, squatters, licensed houses and wooden houses, industrial buildings and commercial buildings. Above-mentioned types of private buildings are collectively referred to as "subdivided units" under this programme, which does not include housing or accommodation services provided/subsidized by government or non-government organizations, such as interim housing and single person hostels, etc., nor including the street sleeper's sleeping place.
2. Individual application(s) is /are not accepted under CLP Underprivileged Families Electricity Subsidies Programme. All applicants must be nominated by partnered Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGOs”) and community partners within the application period.
3. CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd. (“CLP Power”) does not require the beneficiaries to provide their personal data, and all data is provided voluntarily to NGOs or community partners. However, CLP Power may not be able to process the application if any of the following beneficiary’s information is missing:
And all beneficiaries must read the NGO and community partner’s “Personal Information Collection Statement”.
4. CLP Power and relevant NGOs or community partners have the right to conduct comprehensive checking of relative information provided by the applicant to ensure all information submitted are true, complete and accurate. Applicants agree to authorize the NGO or community partner to disclose relative information to CLP Power for handling the application.
5. CLP Power will deposit the subsidy to the CLP electricity account number (the category of elderly, low income and disabled) or bank account number (SDUs) provided in the application. Beneficiary understands and agree that CLP Power shall not be responsible for any agreement made between the beneficiary and any third party.
6. If the beneficiary needs to change the submitted personal information (include: Application category, HKID, supporting document, supporting document number, CLP electricity account number, electricity account registered name/ bank account number, bank account holder name) before the subsidy is released. Beneficiary MUST IMMEDIATELY INFORM the responsible NGO or community partner. The original application will then be cancelled, and the beneficiary needs to resubmit a new application. Otherwise, the subsidy may not be issued due to incorrect information. In this circumstance, the relevant subsidy shall not be re-issued.
7. CLP Power may conduct a site visit to the residential address provided within 12 months after the application approved.
8. If the beneficiary knowingly or wilfully makes any false statement or conceal any fact, or makes any duplicate application, CLP Power have the right to cancel the application of that beneficiary and all non-issued subsidy. The disbursed subsidy will be fully recovered through the CLP electricity account or returned to the issued subsidy by the beneficiary. The beneficiary will also be liable for the relevant legal liabilities.
9. If CLP Power is not capable of running as planned for reasons including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any other causes beyond the control of CLP Power, which corrupt or affect the administration security, fairness or integrity or proper conduct of this programme, CLP Power reserves the right to take any action that may be available.
10. All application must be reviewed by CLP Power. Programme has limited quota, even if the application is submitted there may not be subsidized due to the quota full.
11. The application may be rejected if this application fails to fulfil the requirements of this programme.
12. The beneficiary must be a residential customer living within the supply area of CLP Power. ONLY ONE application will be accepted from the same CLP electricity account number. If the beneficiary owns more than one CLP electricity account or more than one application submitted with the same address, it would only act as ONE application.
13. Member in the same family can only apply once in each programme year, duplicated application will be rejected.
14. The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.
15. CLP Power reserves the absolute right to approve or decline any application under Underprivileged Families Electricity Subsidies Programme and reserves the right to conduct any adjustment on terms and conditions any notifications.