CLP’s Comprehensive Customer Support

The key to a greener future is in our hands. With air conditioners, elevators, lights, and millions of appliances, buildings in Hong Kong account for up to 90% of our total energy use. That’s why we must all work together to meet our decarbonisation targets.

CLP is helping every individual and business reduce their energy consumption through a host of energy-saving solutions, subsidies, and support measures. Let’s take the journey to a greener future together.

Offering free energy audit services to help businesses identify energy management opportunities and reduce energy consumption and operating costs.

Subsidising energy-saving improvement works in communal areas to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

Providing practical retro-commissioning training to encourage business customers to make their buildings more energy efficient and reach the energy-saving targets.

Subsidising SME customers install or upgrade energy-efficient lighting or air conditioning.

Buying clean energy from customers at attractive Feed-in Tariff (FiT) rates to support a greener Hong Kong.

Encouraging customers to buy Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to support renewable energy projects in Hong Kong.

Subsidising schools and charities to conduct BEAM Plus assessments to support the development of green buildings in Hong Kong.

Encouraging business customers to reduce their consumption during peak demand hours to earn rebates while protecting the environment.

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