Hong Kong's Decarbonisation Plan

Let’s look at what we’ve done so far.

The Paris Agreement

195 nations adopted the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.

Climate Action Plan 2030+

The Hong Kong Government responded to the Paris Agreement with its Climate Action Plan 2030+, which aims to reduce the city’s carbon intensity by 65-70% by 2030, using the level in 2005 as the base. It also aims to increase the proportion of natural gas to around 50% in the city’s electricity fuel mix in 2020, gradually phasing out coal-fired generation.

Climate Action Plan 2050

The Hong Kong Government’s Climate Action Plan 2050 set out new measures for Hong Kong’s decarbonisation strategy, targeting to achieve carbon neutrality and net-zero electricity generation before 2050.

The Glasgow Climate Pact was signed at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, the first deal to set out a clear plan to phase down coal power to combat climate change.

Did you know?

What is carbon neutrality?

Carbon neutrality refers to achieving relative “zero-carbon emissions” in a place or by an organisation, etc. over a certain period of time. This can be done by replacing conventional fossil energy, conserving energy, green commuting, “use less, waste less”, planting, afforestation, purchasing renewable energy (RE) certificates and carbon trading, etc. to reduce or offset the carbon emissions generated from the activities of the place or the organisation. Achieving carbon neutrality helps limit the rise in carbon concentration and global temperature, and reduce the risks and damages caused by climate change.

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