Energy Audit

Use our free energy audit service to identify energy management opportunities. Apply for interest-free loans to implement our recommendations.

About this service

Discover how you can save energy and operating costs through our free Energy Audit Service. As part of the service, we will audit your business site to identify Energy Management Opportunities (EMOs). Find out how your business can be smarter and greener today.


As a business customer, you can apply for this service.


You will receive a detailed report that includes:

  • Your building’s energy pattern breakdown;
  • A list of EMOs and high-level payback analysis;
  • A high-level retro-commissioning review; and
  • Advice on smart technology application.

How to apply

Application Channels


Complete Online E-form

More information

Please refer to our leaflet (PDF), or you may email [email protected] for enquiry. If you are a Bulk Tariff or Large Power Tariff customer, you may contact us through your account manager.

About this scheme

We offer interest-free loans to help you implement the Energy Management Opportunities (EMO) from your energy audit. Our loans:

  • May cover up to 100% of project costs; 
  • Are capped at HK$5 million (up to a maximum cumulative amount of HK$10 million over any 5-year period); and
  • Have a repayment period of up to 5 years.

You must apply for the loan before placing any system or equipment purchase orders. All ordering, installation and commissioning of system or equipment should be completed within 6 months after the application has been approved.


Applicant requirements

You may apply for the scheme if: 

  • You are our business customer; and
  • You do not belong to a government body.

Project requirements

The project must be:

  • The EMO identified through the energy audit conducted by us or an accredited third party Registered Energy Assessor (REA) under the Building Energy Efficiency Ordinance; and
  • Retrofit existing systems or equipment with more energy efficient solutions.

If you applied for the CLP Eco Building Fund and CLP Community Energy Saving Fund, you may still apply for this scheme. However, this scheme will only cover outstanding project costs after deducting previous subsidies.

How to apply

You may submit your completed form to the following application channels: 

Application Channels


Customer Success & Sales Department     
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited 
7/F, Shamshuipo Centre 
215 Fuk Wa Street 
Sham Shui Po 


(Application for Energy Saving Loan Scheme)

When to apply by

Please apply before: 

  • 31 Dec 2032; or
  • The loan fund has been exhausted.

What happens next

We will assess applications on a case-by-case basis, based on your:

  • Project’s energy-saving potential;
  • Organisation’s creditworthiness; and
  • Project’s size.

Once we have verified your existing, non-energy efficient systems or equipment, we will release your loan. You must order, install and commission your new equipment within 6 months of your application’s approval.

More information

Please refer to our leaflet (PDF), or you may email [email protected] for enquiry. If you are a Bulk Tariff or Large Power Tariff customer, you may contact us through your account manager.

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