Keeping an eye on your electricity use and spending is a breeze. Check your usage anytime, anywhere through your new smart meter.
What Is a Smart Meter
Smart meters are also known as part of the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) system. They can read and send meter readings automatically. This is done through a wireless network.
In contrast, traditional meters need to be read by a person every 2 months. This makes it harder for you to track your consumption and budget for your next bill.
Overview of Smart Meter Services
During the hot summer months, electricity consumption can significantly increase due to the continuous use of air conditioners. By logging in to the CLP Website or CLP Mobile App, smart meter customers can conveniently monitor their hourly electricity usage, ranging from the past 90 days ago up to 3 hours. This feature allows you to precisely track your household electricity consumption at specific hours of the day, enabling more effective energy-saving measures.
Worried about unexpected electricity bills with air conditioners running constantly during the hot summer?
By logging in to the CLP Website or CLP Mobile App, smart meter customers can see the projected consumption and amount of the next bill. Activate the alert, the system will then notify you if your usage is expected to exceed last year’s by 20% or more. No more guesswork, just peace of mind!
As the autumn breeze sets in, hotpots, soups, and baked desserts are in full swing, it is easy for the electricity bill to increase unexpectedly.
As a smart meter customer, you can log in to the CLP Website or CLP Mobile App and activate the “Unusual Consumption Alert” feature to maintain control. If your consumption exceeds the average of the past ten days by 30%, you will receive a notification, providing you with a timely reminder to investigate the source of the additional power usage.
All For You. All In For Green! CLP Smart Meter
CLP Smart Meter Benefits
CLP Smart Meter – Family
CLP Smart Meter – Office
Manage Your Consumption and Spending
Enjoy instant access to your power consumption data anytime, anywhere. Use the website or app to budget for your next bill by:
Reading your per-bill consumption data for the past 14 months, as well as hourly data over the past 90 days up to 3 hours ago.
Checking the projected amount for your next bill.
Creating alerts for unusual consumption and projected consumption.
You can earn Domeo Points when you save energy (Residential customers only).
Welcome Offer
Activate your online account now to instantly get 500 points. Act now and enjoy plenty other ways to earn points!
Lead a Smarter and Greener Lifestyle
Download the CLP Power Mobile App to unlock the full benefits of smart meters and experience our full array of improved e-Services! With the app, you can manage your bills, payments and energy use effortlessly.
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